Showing 36 Result(s)
Colored Pencil Videos

Time Lapse of a Great Horned Owl with Colored Pencils

Drawing and using colored pencils is the best way to unwind with some art. They are very easy to use and you can achieve so many different textures and styles with them. I actually prefer them to painting some times because they don’t take an entire night’s dedication. You can start and stop whenever you …

Acrylics, Acrylics Step-by-Step, Art Mediums

Pouring Paint with Silicone and Torch

Pouring paint is so very unpredictable but, that is what is so enticing about this style of painting! I do love to play with art that creates itself and when I do, it is so very therapeutic. So, grab some paint and let’s get to it. Artists Tool Box: Acrylic Paints Acrylic Pouring Mediums Silicone …